Nishia Slater


Nishia Slater was awarded the HerStory Award at the National HerStory Award launch of the Global Women's Peace Network on February 26, 2022, for her exemplary journey of overcoming unimaginable obstacles and using her life lessons to help many more women become empowered through her work.

Being born into poverty in the early 80's, I was not aware of the opportunities I had in front of me. I have learned how to use my trauma and obstacles as stepping stones to get me where I am. Growing up I knew I wanted to help people, but I didn't know how because my voice was taken away from me at an early age. Even though this has been a passion of mine for a long time, I did not know where to start and I never had anyone to help me.  

I have spent the majority of my life being a loving mother to my 3 children. From being a high school dropout to having a baby at 14 to being raped and molested over and over again, I chose not to give up. I knew my children needed me and in the long run, I learned that I needed myself. I didn't understand that I wasn't living my life with purpose, but I rose above it and started to focus on myself, which helped me to feel empowered and confident.

During the pandemic, I launched my Life Coaching business and became the owner of Star Life wellness Group LLC, helping women to choose themselves and live life with purpose. Since then, I have been interviewed, spoke on panels, been a guest speaker on podcasts, hosted events, became a 2x published author, public speaker, transformed my life for the better, and so much more!

In 2019 I created a space for women to empower, inspire, and uplift them, since then it has grown to nearly 1,000 women. The connections I have made with those women have been life changing.

I have provided free 4 week beta coaching to women who are not able to afford my coaching program, but want to make a change and difference in their lives. This has brought me relationships with women from all over. I have grown to mentor them and assist them through their journey. 

My webinars I create are to help women break through their generational trauma and develop a healthier mindset. This allows me to bring awareness in our community, in households, and help women to embrace themselves and live up to their true potential. I desire to see women living life on purpose. 

My mission for 2022 and moving forward is to hold space for women who have endured trauma and are afraid to change. I am creating workshops, seminars, and coaching programs to help them along their journey. It brings me great joy seeing and helping women to see and understand their worth and gain the confidence they need along the way. I am on the mission to become recognized as a national public speaker. I want to use my voice for women who have lost their voice and show them how to be their authentic selves. 

This journey has taught me to be the change I want to see in this world. 


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Dr. Charlene Jenkins