Anjanette Foster-Miles


Anjanette Foster-Miles was awarded the HerStory Award at the National HerStory Award Ceremony of the Global Women's Peace Network on March 26, 2022, for her exemplary and selfless service to dispel the stigmas surrounding mental health challenges, and support, heal, and uplift others, based on her journey of overcoming unimaginable challenges.

Born March 15, 1976 in Chicago, IL, Anjanette Foster-Miles is a mother of four daughters and grandmother of three grandsons. She always wanted more for her children and wanted to give them a different upbringing than what she experienced. She was taught to sweep her problems under the rug and be strong. Anjanette experienced depression in its highest form from a teenager and was later diagnosed with a Bi-Polar disorder as an adult. She walked around holding pain on the inside and stayed silent about the distress that other people caused her. Covering all the problems, issues and pain eventually created layers of masks.  Suffering in silence, hiding behind guilt, shame, abandonment, fear and doubts, Anjanette became self-inflicted and beat suicide twice. Her voice was trapped inside her, pleasing everyone that caused her pain. Anjanette fell in a black hold called “Darkness” her mindset was a ticking time bomb and she became emotionally unbalance, landing her in different mental hospitals. 

Anjanette was eager and wanted more to follow her dreams and break generational cycles of poverty and depression for her daughters, as well as people.  After moving from Chicago in 1999, she obtained her GED in the state of Michigan in 2001.  She then relocated to Arizona in 2003 with no family and continued building a life for her family.

Although her setbacks, trials and tribulations as a single mom was challenging, she never stopped being determined to succeed. From what she had experienced, Anjanette loved harder and never stopped being compassionate, she always lit up any room she was present in. She stayed determined to succeed on so many levels. In 2004, she enrolled with an organization called Arizona OIC, in which she completed a certification program for CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant). As she found work in the nursing home in her field, Anjanette became discouraged with observations and decided to change her career. In 2007 she enrolled in Lamson College Medical and Billing program where she graduated in 2008 with a 4.0, Dean's list. What was more amazing is that Anjanette won a 4-year scholarship to the University of Phoenix while being a student in Lamson College. She entered an essay contest through Big Brothers Big Sister Foundation and was awarded a “First Chance Scholarship” She enrolled in University of Phoenix 3months after graduating from Lamson College. 

Anjanette then graduated in 2012 with her Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration. Throughout her life she went through health issues that had an effect on her mentally. Undergoing therapy and medication treatment throughout her battle with depression, she never felt great about her accomplishments. Anjanette has had over 15+ procedures/surgeries on her body. She saw a therapist and underwent medication therapy on and off battling her journey with depression. She made bad decisions and looked for love in all the wrong places. She became emotionally unbalanced and had trouble working for corporate and stability in the work-place. Anjanette believed it was much more she was on this earth to accomplish. She always knew she had a bigger purpose & always told herself, “I’m Born with Excellence”. Her spiritual walk with God manifested as a child and always believed in the power of prayer.  She never stopped seeking guidance and counsel from God and one day God revealed to Anjanette. He whispered to her, “I know I created you to be energy and I see the work you’re doing but I need to use YOU to save millions in the world” now go tell the people of the land about your depression, ”go ahead now and Uncover your own Mask”.

It was much more in life she wanted to do to help assist people with depression and mental challenges. It's her passion and she wants people to know they are not alone and don’t have to suffer in silence. Now that the chains are broken and the darkness is under her feet, Anjanette has regained her voice to speak out and be a beacon of hope. Through her life mental challenges and mistakes, she is helping people heal by mentoring, counseling and showing others there is greatness after depression. She invested in herself and knows how vital “personal development” is to her personal life and business journey.

She launched a movement called “SISTALUV” in 2013 which focuses on breaking the stigma to Mental Health, designed to be a help to the disadvantaged. Anjanette strongly believes in minimizing stressors and struggles in the community to eliminate depression for families. She mentored, encouraged and counseled for free. Anjanette is committed to creating platforms for voices to be heard, in hopes to save one life at a time. She has been interviewed by AZTZ News (Phoenix) along with hosting events such as: Christmas Toys Drives, Feeding the homeless, Anti-Bullying Dance group, Cancer walks and participated with the Arizona Foundation for Suicide Prevention Walk. 

Anjanette has partnered with a host of community programs including St. Mary’s Food Bank & UMOM, a program designed to help homeless women and their families stabilize themselves through their services. Considered to be a philanthropist, and someone committed to helping make a difference in her community, Anjanette recently got certified as a Life Coach in 2021 and is looking forward to becoming a more active voice in the community raising Mental Health Awareness. She is determined to help others uncover their mask but while she is the help, Anjanette is also a client of her own services. She truly believes in “Life after Depression” and exemplifies it. 

 Anjanette created a “Mental Health Masquerade” featured on zoom and had a successful kick-off December 2021. The mission was to give others the opportunity to come and hear courageous stories of people who have gone through depression in hopes to uncover their own mask. The outcome and results of the Mental Health Masquerade were so phenomenal that it would be yearly and curriculum and courses are now being implemented. 

 Her abilities and commitment to thrive in her mission and purpose, in 2022, Anjanette was awarded the “HerStory Award” through the World Federation for Peace USA organization. Whatever it takes- Anjanette continues to see an opportunity for growth in advancing her career and contribution for the overall success for the organization as well the community.


Jennifer Gammons-Mujica


Julia Mueller