Dr. Ayele Amavigan Labante


Dr. Ayele Amavigan Labante was awarded one of three HerStory Awards at the Southwest launch of the Global Women's Peace Network on June 21, 2019.

Dr. Ayele E. Amavigan Labante is an African born activist, American citizen, social justice advocate, international social worker, international educator, a coach, and a business consultant. She is also an upcoming published author of her own autobiography. Dr. Amavigan has been in the education and mental health field since 1993 when she took a teaching position with the United Nations International Children’s Fund, commonly known as UNICEF, teaching Togolese refugee children in Cotonou, Benin in West Africa. Dr. Amavigan is the founder and the CEO and Managing Director of several businesses including Delali Management Services, a consulting firm that works mostly with behavioral health agencies to help them with compliance regulatory; and Behavioral Health Management Services (BHMS), a mental health agency that works with individuals with history of depression, anxiety, or people dealing with grief, loss, and several other mental illness related issues. Dr. Amavigan is also the founder and CEO of Hidden Talent Foundation, an international non-profit organization whose mission is to assist the world’s under-served children and young adults to discover their hidden educational talents by providing them with basic educational tools.

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Judi Moreo


Hon. Joy I. Garratt