Why I support WFWP USA: Men speak up

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The Women’s Federation for World Peace USA would like to express deep gratitude to all the men who have been supporting our organization and the ladies who stand at the forefront of our activities. It is only when men and women work together as equal partners that we can bring about real change in this world, and we applaud men who take the lead in exemplifying how a true husband, father, brother and son should act. In this edition of our newsletter, we would like to highlight some of the men that support WFWP USA.

Based on having received positive and encouraging comments from male individuals, we decided to ask men to also share with a greater audience as to why they believe in WFWP and the work that we do. What follows are several statements from men, husbands and fathers who support WFWP, and we encourage our readers to keep sending them in:

“Organizations are always built by the women within them and their networks. We must educate more women leaders who can be effective and also support the values which WFWP is founded upon, which is family, marriage and living for the sake of others. God's Kingdom will come much more quickly when more of these kinds of women leaders are raised up and empowered. This is why I support the Women's Federation for World Peace.”  - Dr. Michael Hentrich

“While the history of the world has been created by men, it has been a history of strife, violence and heartache. Meanwhile women have been forced to sit silently.

To bring about a world of peace, harmony, co-prosperity and happiness, it is absolutely necessary to allow women to take their proper place in society. They are in fact one half of the human race. Their capacity to love, embrace and nurture others, especially their husbands and children is perhaps the most needed of human qualities to bring about a world of goodness.

WFWP is the only group I know that understands the true role of women in the affairs of humankind. Their success is essential to our finding the happiness and completeness we all seek.” - Jim Chimes


“Our everyday environment can become overwhelming, especially when we work in a city with its car horns honking and the many people rushing to and from whatever urgent business matter occupies their attention at the moment. Where can we find a place of safety and calm? The program offered by the local WFWP Chapter provided a beautiful restful hour in which the vibrations of healing sounds washed over the audience like a gentle wave. Women are often healers because God created them to be mothers and sisters and wives who bring the warmth of care and concern to the family of man. Thank you for providing such moments to enrich our lives.

As the father of three daughters and husband of one wife, I appreciate the value of women. One way for me to express my gratitude for my good fortune in life is to support the Women's Federation for World Peace with my time, energy and resources. May the work be blessed to expand true peace to a needy world.” - Matthew Goldberg


I support the Women's Federation For World Peace because of their wonderful message of equality, love, and peace. This is such a wonderful organization that has utterly pure and caring intentions. The wonderful work they do and the people they support speak volumes as to this organizations goals. I am a proud supporter of their organization and their values.” - Dr. Cameron Hall


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