President's Corner

Happy Thanksgiving.png

Dear friends,

There is so much to be grateful for!

 I would like to deeply thank all contributors to the very successful five regional launches of the Global Women's Peace Network here in the United States, each event entitled "Women as the Turning Point For Peace." (The GWPN is a project of the Women's Federation for World Peace International. To read the founder's speech, click here.)

 These regional launches began on November 11, 2018, at the Nassau Coliseum, adjacent to New York City, on Long Island, and concluded on November 15, 2019, in the nation's capital. (See the story below.) It was truly a "giving birth" process for each and every one of these launches, as women in each part of the country came forward and invested selflessly to create the event and program. Priceless wisdom and insights were shared by all panelists and HerStory Awardees, which all will be made available through our website and newsletter!

 It was WE together who made it possible. Special thanks go also to our Home Office Staff, who were involved in each of the regional launches, as well as to our WFWP Regional Directors!

 There is so much to be grateful for, as we find ourselves in the week of Thanksgiving and the Thanksgiving season!

 Here is some food for thought on gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful attitude to cultivate, not only around Thanksgiving but throughout the year and one's lifetime. The author of the book "The Secret," Laura Byrne, says that gratitude is the single fastest way to change your life and the surest way to happiness. Even Harvard Medical School chimes in, saying, "Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships."

 Gratitude opens a way to see what is there instead of what isn’t. To me, gratitude is the first baby step to spiritual growth and emotional maturity, both of which we so desperately need in these times of division, hateful emotions, and rampant social ills.

 Therefore, may I suggest (I always like action steps) that, at the Thanksgiving dinner table this year, you ask everyone the question, how did an attitude of gratitude help you or change your life? Then share with us your story and others that you discover!

 Wishing every one of you a day, a season, and a life full of gratitude!


Thanksgiving Salad with Butternut Squash “Turkey” Recipe


The Mother of Peace is coming on December 28th: Join the Largest Celebration of the Decade!