The Mother of Peace is coming on December 28th: Join the Largest Celebration of the Decade!


Can you feel that 2020 will be a momentous year? Many companies and organizations, including Women’s Federation for World Peace, have made goals or strategic plans which are set to culminate in 2020. There are also many significant anniversaries coming up in 2020, such as the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. WFWP Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, also known as the Mother of Peace for her lifelong commitment and work to build a world of sustainable peace, has also set 2020 as a milestone year in the pursuit of peace.

As this year, 2019, is reaching the finish line, in just the past few months, Dr. Moon has toured the world, north to south and east to west, to bring a message of peace and love for all people. Back in September, she visited the African island nation of Sao Tome and Principe and spoke at the Africa Summit 2019 to delegates from 27 African countries. Just one month later, she visited Japan for the Japan Summit and Leadership Conference where she spoke to 700 international political and religious leaders on October 5 as well as at a peace rally the following day attended by several thousand.

During the Tirana 2019 Southeast Europe Peace Summit in Albania October 25-27, she said, “If humanity hopes for a beautiful future for the earth, we cannot succeed with human-centered methods. There is only one road to peace! Only when we stand in a position where we attend the absolute God, the creator of the universe, can a world of peace come about.” Such has been her message as she also traveled and spoke throughout Korea to audiences of 10,000, 20,000, and more in the following months, igniting a revolutionary spirit to build a culture of heart in our lifetime.

Most recently, she was welcomed warmly in Cambodia for the Asia-Pacific Summit on November 19 by 700 leaders from 54 nations, including the Prime Minister of Cambodia, Hun Sen. Following the Summit, thousands gathered for a festival to celebrate family and for couples to renew their marriage vows and dedicate their marriages and families to God. The timing of this visit was particularly significant, as Dr. Moon spoke so strongly for the path toward genuine peace 40 years after the end of the Cambodian genocide (lasting from 1975 to 1979) which had torn apart thousands of families. She prayed for Cambodia to be blessed and liberated from that dark history. 

The Mother of Peace is not stopping there. After Cambodia, she headed to Taiwan, and before the end of the year, she will be traveling to Niger, Tanzania, South Africa, Palau, and the Dominican Republic, bringing the love, blessings, and hope for future generations to become “the turning point” (as we say in WFWP) toward peace.

Here in the United States, we have the opportunity to culminate this whirlwind international tour, as well as launch into 2020, with Dr. Moon on December 28th! The “Peace Starts with Me: What the World Needs Now” rally will gather 30,000 across the world at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ to celebrate and praise God across religions as well as hear inspiring and practical messages of peace from rousing speakers, especially Dr. Moon herself, an amazing woman peace leader. We hope that you will join us for what will be the largest celebration of the decade! Visit to find out more and to register.


President's Corner


Taking action for peace: WFWP Vancouver conference on the “Women’s Role for Peace”