Five tips for a successful Spring Cleaning

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Spring is just around the corner. Days are getting longer and we’re starting to feel more comfortable with the idea of spending time outdoors. As you find yourself becoming more active, it’s time to freshen up your home environment to match your mood. And this calls for a good old-fashioned spring cleaning!

It’s true, months of cold weather tend to discourage open windows and the air in your home becomes stale. Don’t be afraid to shake loose and remove all the dust and grime that’s settled in and brighten up every room with a thorough clean. You’ll end up with improved air quality, better respiratory health and a brighter mood - because any environment we spend a good amount of time in really does affect how we feel. With a clean home, you will also be ready to welcome visitors.

So yes, there are many positive reasons to get started on your spring cleaning. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t a daunting task, when we already lead such busy lives. That’s why I’ve decided to share just a few tips that have helped me and will hopefully point you in the right direction:

1. Get your family involved

You may be the primary person that cleans on a regular basis, or perhaps you have arranged a system where every member of the household does their share of the work. Whatever the case may be, this is definitely a good time to get your family on board. Make it a fun activity with upbeat music and order a pizza at the end to celebrate.

2. Tackle the process in stages

Any job that is broken down into smaller steps immediately seems less terrifying. Make a checklist of things that need attention around the house and go through it room by room. If you can’t afford to set a whole weekend aside just to clean or don’t have the energy for consecutive hours of scrubbing and dusting, find a half hour or so every day that you can dedicate to a particular area. 

3. Clear out the clutter

Clutter can wear you down, both emotionally and physically, and this is a good chance to go through your house and get rid of things you no longer use or need, a la Marie Kondo. A good place to start is the closet, especially since you’ll need to put away your heavy winter clothes and bring out the light stuff. And don’t forget to go through your makeup kit and your medicine cabinet to get rid of all expired items.

4. Be a minimalist with your cleaning supplies

There are so many cleaning products and equipment out there that it can be overwhelming trying to choose the right ones. But in reality, a good multi-purpose cleaner and a handy microfiber cloth or two will get you quite far. Start by checking what cleaning supplies you already own and see if you can make do with what you have on hand. Remember, you can also make your own cleaning agents out of basic household ingredients like vinegar and baking soda.

5. Focus on the areas that don’t get much regular attention

This should come as no surprise, but I don’t dust the coils behind my fridge every week. But that doesn’t mean it should never be done, as dust build-up can cause overheating and suddenly you’re left with a broken fridge. Spring cleaning is your chance to show some love to the greasy kitchen cabinets, the well-trafficked carpets (consider renting a carpet cleaner), and even your dusty ceiling fans. Even the pillows and comforters deserve a wash every now and then. Here’s a handy document, courtesy of Martha Stewart, to help you figure out potential problem areas in your home.

I wish you a happy spring cleaning!


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