President's Corner lunar new year.png

Dear friends,

 Happy New Year 2020 -- again! Yes, it is now the new year according to the Chinese (or lunar) calendar, as of January 25, 2020! It is the Year of the Metal Rat, which Chinese horoscopes say will be a period of new beginnings and prosperity. May it be so!

 In that spirit of prosperous new beginnings, WFWP USA is excited to move forward into this brand-new time with the following motto for the year:

 EMPOWER - COLLABORATE - IMPACT: Toward a Culture of Heart

 Building on the many successes of 2019, especially the five successful regional US launches of the Global Women's Peace Network (a project of WFWP International) and our new partnership with Canada, this motto is meant to be a guideline or yardstick to keep us focused on putting into action the overall vision and mission: "One Global Family Under God."

 Here is how:

 1) We seek to EMPOWER individuals and groups of women of all ages (and men) to be peace leaders through educational seminars, programs, and projects.

2) We then seek to COLLABORATE by reaching out to other like-minded organizations and individuals through networking on local, state, and national levels.

3) We seek thus to be able to IMPACT upon individuals and families as well as our environment, which have overall become quite toxic and unhealthy, and together find and create solutions for positive change.

 I invite you to continue on this journey for peace together with us and our dear co-founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, a great woman leader who is now shepherding this worldwide movement for peace, and who will be celebrating her 77th birthday this coming month in Korea! (See article below.)

 Wishing you, our wonderful subscribers and friends, good health and prosperity, new insights and clarity, happy relationships, and much success!

 Looking forward to an amazing 2020, a year of growth and new developments!

Warm wishes to all!

Editor’s note: Over the next few issues, the Logic of Love newsletter will be releasing a series of articles to take an in-depth look at each aspect of our motto. Read the first one on “Empower” here.


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