Healing in a new light


Editor’s Note: As we are all spending more time at home these days, we can take this opportunity to look deep within ourselves and connect to our higher selves in an effort to bring healing. Mika Rothstein is interested in healing because she believes each person has the capacity in finding their voice, and creating the life they truly desire. As of April 2020, she is close to receiving a certification as a yoga teacher, which has expanded her spiritual practice and her desire to learn and offer many avenues for healing. She has also been facilitating a meditation support group for young adults for the past two years with her sister Johanna, and recently published a book of poetry.  

During this time, the pandemic has revealed many of our innermost fears, uncertainties and discomfort. We are being challenged globally to come home to ourselves in ways we were not accustomed to before, and to dive deeper into the parts of ourselves we overlook when we are busy with other things. Everything is a process, and each step is asking us to surrender deeper in trust of the unknown and the deep triggers that life graciously gives to expand our love. When we feel all of our feelings, we must remember to relax in those moments. 

If we can imagine a river flowing, sometimes along the way we splash against the rocks, twisting and turning in many directions, yet the river still flows. Surrendering to the present situation can create the opportunity to look within. When situations feel uncertain, we must remember that we have the capacity to feel the grief the world is experiencing, and to be able to hold compassion for our own as well. We are the ones to heal our deepest wounds and to do the deep inner-work; to devote ourselves to come home to our body, heart, and soul. As we allow our feelings to be seen, heard and loved by our own heart, we give ourselves the permission to flow with the river too.

 With this deep inner-work we are able to hold space, share our feelings and support each other through our own individual process. This year in 2020 is the start of living through the heart, finding clarity in both the inner and outer worlds we live in, and in trusting our Higher Being to create a healthier lifestyle physically, emotionally and mentally. 

Some of the ways to build a spiritual practice and enhance our inner-work is to meditate, do yoga, or practice breathwork. Even observing nature is an art of just being present with our higher self. Using one of these practices can anchor us into our center so that we may find balance, connect to our life force, and to care for ourselves first. Even if we meditate for 5-10 minutes per day, we could better serve humanity by starting with ourselves in order to connect authentically with those around us. 

Another way to connect with our higher self is through the wheels of energy that run through the body, which is called the chakra system. There are seven main chakras which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine all the way up to the crown of the head. 

In my own research I found the name “Corona” to mean the crown, which coincides with the crown chakra located at the top of the head (seventh chakra). This is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection to the higher self, humanity, and ultimately, to the divine. During this resting period, we are asked to connect to our divine consciousness which relates to the crown chakra. By focusing our attention there, we can access our higher truth in connection with the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. 

Each chakra is represented by a specific color, and for the crown chakra that is the color purple. Therefore, imagine the crown chakra as the color purple surrounding us as it supports the expansion in healing our thoughts, perceptions and judgments, which is a path that brings us back to unconditional love. 

We can deepen this experience by saying a mantra which is able to stimulate the area of the crown chakra even more, mantras such as “All will be well” or “I relax to receive love.” With that said, this current time is giving us the opportunity to meet ourselves for deep healing of renewal, and a new way of expanding our love. 


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