President’s Corner: Discovering and Connecting to our Higher Self

Dear friends,

Living mindfully, intentionally and with a purpose is the invisible thread weaving through this first October edition of the Logic of Love News.

I personally believe that as Covid times continue, it is a good opportunity to go within, to self reflect, to examine, and discover our deeper emotions that often cause us to react rather than act. 

Self-reflection is crucial process required to more smoothly adapt to ongoing changes and challenges—we need to strengthen our inner core, our soul, and mind and possibly redirect our minds onto a more positive track.

That new "track" we have a choice to go on, is one of thinking and living for the sake of others and for the higher good, rather than the self. It is the one track that will lead us out of many of our current conflicts, confusions, even pain into a brighter, happier and peaceful future. Also we will discover and connect more to our higher self (Namaste), inner beauty, and be able to live more meaningful lives ourselves.

I was personally deeply moved by our Herstory Awardee, Mrs. Carolyn Robinson (see below), who as a woman of passion and purpose deeply impacted other's lives for the better. Stories and examples like that assist us to move toward such a track. (Please, take the time to view the recording)

Another tool to uplift our minds and souls is to read inspirational texts and listen to music or poetry such as the beautiful poem "Tree of Hope" written by our WFWP DC chairwoman, Mrs. Elizabeth Aihe. Don't miss it!

With that I wish you a colorful month of October!

Angelika Selle


The Mindful Path - Explore Mindfulness


President's Corner: On the Path to Peace