President's Corner: On the Path to Peace

Dear friends, 

Wishing you PEACE on this International Day of Peace, a UN-sanctioned holiday that has been observed each year on September 21 since 1982!

As we celebrate and deliberate peace on this day, we realize that we are still far from it, as Covid variants continue to plague our communities and societies, and as we find ourselves surrounded worldwide by all manner of crises.

Yet, it is in the midst of all this that Women's Federation for World Peace continues to provide vision, hope, inspiration, connectedness and joy via the internet "airwaves." 

A new surge of such inspiration and hope was felt especially in one of our most recent Global Women's Peace Network (GWPN) online programs in the Southeast Region entitled "Women's Leadership in Reconciliation and Peacemaking: During and After COVID." (See special article and video.)

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, in a recent speech to world leaders, advised them to "not focus on the darkness that is all around, but to come together in unity and focus on the light." By doing so, by seeking to serve others, heal others, make others happy, seek solutions together, the divine within is activated, and our Creator's love and presence can be felt, our Creator who is the Source of Peace.

May this International Day of Peace remind us of that!

Enjoy this edition and the rest of September!


Angelika Selle


President’s Corner: Discovering and Connecting to our Higher Self


Mock Oxtail Soup