Hazelnut cake (Haselnusskuchen)

President Selle would like to share with you one of her favorite recipes from her home country of Germany. On the left are the ingredients in English and on the right are the ingredients in German.


9 oz Hazelnuts, ground                250 g Haselnüsse, gemahlen

7 oz Sugar                                  200 g Zucker

2 tsp Vanilla sugar                       2 TL Vanillezucker

3 drops Almond extract              3 Tropfen Bittermandelaroma

9 oz Flour                                   250 g Mehl

4 tsp Baking powder                    4 TL, gestr. Backpulver

8 oz Milk, or a bit more                ¼ Liter Milch, evtl. auch etwas mehr

1 tbsp Rum extract                       1 EL Rum

3 oz powder sugar or glaze           100 g Kuchenglasur


Preheat oven 325 degrees

Butter and flour a small rectangular pan or use parchment paper

In a medium bowl, combine, nuts, sugar, vanilla sugar, almond extract and add the sieved flour mixed with the baking powder. Then slowly add milk as much as needed until the dough falls from the spoon

Then fill the dough in the prepared baking pan and bake for 50-60 minutes.

Remove the cake from the pan and let it cool down. Then sprinkle with powdered sugar or make a sugar glaze.

Guten Appetit!



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