President's Corner: Keeping Hope Alive with the Logic of Love News

Dear friend,

"One day I was feeling down. I noticed there was a new edition of the Logic of Love News in my inbox. I read it from top to bottom and was completely refreshed. ... Through that, I realized how gentle yet at the same time powerful the Logic of Love News is."

This is a quote from one of our readers, who has been receiving this free newsletter since its inception. It is truly our intention to inspire, uplift, educate, inform, empower and sometimes challenge our women (and men) readers of all ages through the heart and spirit infused in our articles and stories. The "challenge" part comes in articles that exhort readers to seek the high road, and to see the positive, the opportunities and the goodness that are still present for us in the midst of pain, confusion and hopelessness. 

In addition, many Logic of Love pieces highlight exemplary role models. Our goal with these is to instill hope and to share our subjects' wisdom and practical tools in order to help our readers to navigate successfully through personal challenges and stressful relationships. 

Lastly, the articles are intended to inspire acts of goodness and kindness toward self and others.

It is my hope that the Logic of Love News will give you, too, good news every time you receive it!

Have a safe, joyful and healthy rest of this summer!



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