3 Impactful Ways to Calm Down Anxiety

In a world full of turbulence, calming down anxiety can be challenging. We can become trapped in a whirlwind of anxious thoughts that can lead us down a rabbit hole of no return. If you’re experiencing tough emotional times like this, know that there is hope. The world, and the people in it, are here to support you. Throughout the past 2 years, people have become more and more creative when trying to ground themselves and feel happier.

Here are 3 incredibly impactful ways to calm down anxiety that you’re experiencing.

  1. Breathing Exercises

There is great power in breath. You can calm down your entire nervous system through different breathing exercises. This is an effective and natural way to treat anxiety. Breathing exercises can be performed by yourself or with a group. There are also various meditation apps that you can use to follow certain breathing exercise classes.

If you’re stuck with a busy work schedule and struggle to find time for wellness practices like this, consider doing them first thing in the morning. You can sit down in your room and breathe before jumping on your phone or computer. This is a great way to clear your mind before starting your day. It will help you handle stress and anxiety better by going into the day with a clear head. Begin each day feeling calm and relaxed by practicing breathing exercises in the morning.

2. Walk Through Nature

Walking through nature is one of the best things that you can do for your mental health. Being outside amongst the beauty of the world can almost instantly make people start to feel better. The increased levels of fresh oxygen help your body feel relaxed. Not to mention, moving your body also helps improve your mood and decrease anxiety. Combining beautiful nature and movement is a perfect solution to combat anxious thoughts or emotions. Give back to yourself by taking breaks like this throughout your day.

3. Exercise

You can take things a step further by adding an exercise regimen to your weekly routine. Physical movement is anxiety’s worst enemy. If you are just starting to work out, the first few sessions will be challenging. That is all part of the process. Once you get past that initial hurdle, your body starts to look forward to exercises.

Serotonin is released when athletes exercise. For example, people who enjoy cardio often experience runner’s high. This is when high levels of serotonin get released in their brains during and after a long run. Exercising is an impactful way to calm down anxiety. Your internal reward system will go off the charts once you start going consistently. Getting in shape can also help with confidence and help you feel more refreshed throughout your day. This can lead to better conversations and interactions with others throughout your day.

Invest in Wellness

Investing in your mental health through these wellness practices is important to calming down anxiety. Life can feel challenging even on ‘good’ days. Use these practices as tools to help you enjoy life more. Anxiety is a mountain that can seem impossible to climb at times. Know that you are always supported.


The Mindful Path – Be Happy!


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