WFWP and the United Nations Working Together for 25 Years

Editor’s Note: This year marks the 25th year of WFWP’s General Consultative status with the United Nations. We would like to share more with our readers about what this means.

Although we may have heard of WFWP’s connection to the United Nations and read something about their UN work, it isn’t always clear what WFWP’s general consultative status actually means on the ground. The following is a brief introduction to this status and the various ways in which WFWP contributes to UN work.

The Women's Federation for World Peace is an NGO (non-governmental organization) with general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.

What does this mean? There are three categories of consultative status granted by the United Nations to NGOs: general, special and roster and the general status is the highest one. Out of thousands of NGOs who have consultative status, less than 150 worldwide are granted this highest status. It requires the organization to submit an activity report every four years, in particular regarding their contribution to the work of the United Nations (to learn more about how NGOs apply to receive consultative stature, click here.)

With all the effort that it takes to acquire and maintain it, the general consultative status also brings many benefits to WFWP and its members. It allows WFWP to access and influence critical issues debated and decided on at the United Nations, and to participate in UN work on a larger scale. We can attend meetings, join committees, make statements, and have long-term and high-level impact.

WFWP has earned, and maintains, its status due to its international humanitarian and peace-building work, its special role empowering women and girls, its four-year reporting, and its considerable membership. UN ambassadors tell us they are especially grateful for WFWP's balanced approach to leadership, and its emphasis on supporting healthy family relationships.

We will continue to grow and expand our programs, so that our meaningful grassroots peace-building can be an example at the highest levels!


Women’s Federation for World Peace celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Join your light of love and hope with ours, and together we will shine bright for many more years!

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Celebrating 30 Years Working for World Peace


President's Corner: Women, Know Your Value!