Summer is Here and the Schools of Africa Continues to Impact Lives

School is out here in the US, but we’re still hard at work to provide quality education through the Schools of Africa Project!

According to UNESCO, “sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rates of education exclusion.” One-fifth of children between 6 and 11 are not attending school and that increases significantly as children age. A whopping one-third of students between 12 and 14 are not in school. (Source) Since education is crucial for individuals and families to create a brighter future for themselves, it’s so important to keep the Schools of Africa Project strong and stable! 

During the month of July, we are so excited to share with you some amazing testimonies from students, teachers, parents, and graduates of the 9 schools WFWP USA is supporting. You will witness stories of empowerment, transformation, and the joy that comes from learning! A school may seem like a simple place, but it has so much power to unlock young minds and hearts!

Please stay tuned in your inbox for these stories and consider making a donation to keep the Schools of Africa impacting many more lives and communities. You’ll be hearing from Filipe, Weynshet, Patience, and others their stories of endurance, determination, and how the WFWP schools transformed their futures. When young people are educated and empowered, there’s no telling what kind of bright future they will create!

But you don’t need to wait to hear those stories, you can also donate now: Schools of Africa

Our goal is to raise $12,000 by the end of the summer. Will you help us continue this important project?


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When You Feel Like Giving Up