When You Feel Like Giving Up

This week things have not gone the way I wanted. In many ways it felt like the universe was working against me and every step forward was met with a major punch in the gut. I was riding the waves of hope and expectation and then crashing back on the shore. Have you ever felt that way? I have definitely been in this place before, and I finally had to recognize the pattern, take stock of what was happening, and re-evaluate.

The more difficult our situation, however, the more we have to remember our original dream… We need to set good goals and know who to partner with to achieve them. If we do not live vigorously and create our own path, we will end up sinking in despair and envy.

- Mother Moon, Founder, Women’s Federation for World Peace

When we find ourselves feeling that tinge of frustration and anger at things not panning out the way we desire, it’s important to take a step back and remember our “original dream”, as Mother Moon calls it. The key word “original” is important here because it represents the most pure form of our dream. The one that has not been tainted by expectations and previous experiences. It’s the dream that represents the innermost essence of our heart. The one that most closely resembles the dream of our Creator. Once you reconnect with that original dream, it's as if you can relax and let all the other things you were holding onto float away. 

In this place I am suddenly able to see things more clearly. I can recognize where possibilities lay, and where the deadends would block me. Now I’m able to see who I should partner with and what my next steps are. I’m able to let go of and forgive all the other things and people that were getting in my way, including myself. I can breathe better. I feel I have options. I have hope.

Your original dream is the one our Creator placed deep in your heart. Not everyone may understand it. It’s your special mission from our Heavenly Parent that only you can fulfill. Even if others may not see the value in it, don’t give up. Live vigorously. Create your own path. Hold on to your original dream and never give up! We’re all in this together!


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We have not been able to fully embrace the nature of women: Reflections of a College Student