Vision to Action: How to Start Changing the World

On June 27, 2024, WFWP USA held a GWPN Forum on the topic, “ Vision to Action: How to Start Changing the World” emceed by GWPN Field Coordinator, Ms. Adia Lancaster. The forum brought together three women leaders who have had vast experience in creating change in the local community and who could lend their voice to inspiring the audience. 

To welcome the audience, WFWP USA president briefly introduced the organization and welcomed the audience highlighting Mother Moon’s peace philosophies on the topic: 

  1. "Creating peace is like unraveling a ball of tangled yarn; it is difficult to find where to begin. But nothing will be accomplished by sitting with arms crossed."

  2. "I open my eyes at daybreak and begin each day with prayer and meditation. I think very carefully about what I will do for them, and then I act on that."

Following the introduction, the first speaker, Dr. Tricia Harris, Senior Technical Writer at Oracle, took the stage. She began by reminiscing about her upbringing, highlighting how her parents encouraged her to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, religions, and cultures. At her 40th high school reunion, former classmates expressed their gratitude to her for sharing her travel experiences. These stories had sparked a desire in them to explore the world, inspiring them to seek out the adventures she had described. She shared that one is unable to know if they are making a difference in the lives of others until they tell you. In her extensive teaching career, Dr. Harris has encountered numerous students whose lives and decisions have been profoundly influenced by her teachings. For the past 12 years, she has taught Comparative Religious Studies, emphasizing the importance of recognizing similarities rather than differences among various religions.

Dr. Harris shared that her journey of change began in 1992, a particularly challenging year marked by personal loss in her immediate family and life. She then shared a meaningful conversation sent to her by a friend, which can be found here. She shared that she did not intentionally set out to change people’s lives but has lived with faith, and letting God build her life with people around her who have allowed her  to be a light in their world and hopefully make things better and vice versa. On changing the world, she said, just become! Become that person that God intends you to be. 

The second speaker, Julie Jones, a breakthrough coach and master practitioner in NLP, began by sharing her career background as a former law enforcement officer. She spoke about the difficulty of informing people that their loved ones had passed away, emphasizing the importance of being present in the moment because tomorrow is not guaranteed. Using the analogy of a cockpit, she explained that pilots don't have rearview mirrors because they are focused on moving forward. Julie stressed that we shouldn't wait for a life-threatening illness to appreciate what we have. Instead, we should face our challenges head-on and turn them into something worthwhile. 

Julie emphasized that we all possess the ability to make a difference wherever we are. She encouraged the audience to shift their focus from inward to outward, allowing the ripple effect of their actions to create positive change in the world. She also suggested a change in mindset: instead of thinking "I have to do something," start thinking "I get to do something and celebrate your wins!"

The third speaker, Natalia Lebedin, President of the Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio, began her speech by sharing two quotes: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice,” and “Work is the open sesame of every portal, the great equalizer in the world, the true philosopher’s stone which transmutes all the base metal of humanity into gold.” She explained that these quotes have resonated with her throughout her career and influenced the work she does. After the outbreak of war in Ukraine, she felt compelled to educate society and find ways to support Ukraine. Joining the organization allowed Natalia to acquire new skills, such as understanding the nonprofit sector, networking, building relationships, and engaging in public speaking on emotional and personal topics like genocide. 

She developed concrete plans and collaborated with volunteers, learning about radical acceptance and leadership from those she respected. This included honoring boundaries, being open to new people and responsibilities, and prioritizing growth. A significant highlight of her experience was uniting many Ukrainians in the community who had previously felt alienated or were unaware of the organization. In October 2023, the organization held a concert to support medics in Ukraine, featuring a Ukrainian children’s choir. Despite the ongoing challenges, Natalia remains hopeful and committed to supporting the organization and Ukraine.

The speakers concluded by imparting these words of wisdom on how to start changing the world:

  • Pick one thing that resonates with your heart and do it.

  • Don’t live in fear.

  • If it needs to be done and you are the one available to do it, then just do it. Take that first step.

  • Be a human being, link arms with others. 

  • Find dialogue with like minded people and through that you can formulate a plan and be a team. 

The forum served as a powerful reminder that we can begin with what we have, wherever we are. By being intentional in our actions, we can create a ripple effect that changes our surroundings, communities, and ultimately, the world.


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