A World Without Parents: Honoring the Value of Parenthood

In celebration of National Parent’s Day, WFWP USA hosted the GWPN Forum on "A World Without Parents: Honoring the Value of Parenthood," emceed by GWPN Coordinator Adia Lancaster. WFWP President Kaeleigh Moffitt welcomed the audience with a quote from Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon’s memoir: “Without parents, there can be no harmony in the family. This is because parents are the center and the origin of the family. Likewise, without You, the Parent of humankind, there can be no true peace in this world.” She then explained that as an NGO with consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, and working with all faiths and traditions, “we welcome different perspectives and insights about the creator and how we can explore and develop that relationship. When I finally became a mother, my whole understanding of the creator and the world changed because of the exploration of the parental heart.” She emphasized that it was  important to develop a  parental heart towards others in the world and creation and in doing so creating a more peaceful world. 

The first speaker, Apostle Dr. Linda Holloday, Founder of I’ve Been Chosen Ministries International, was then introduced. She began her sharing by expressing her love for fine art and shared that in the 17th century there was a Dutch painter, Jan Steen, whose painting The Merry Family depicted family members playing music, singing, drinking, and enjoying each other's company in a lively and somewhat chaotic domestic setting. He, however, left a note cautioning parents that children will emulate their behavior. “When we are parents, we must walk upright because our children will mimic our behavior, so our behavior should demonstrate the right way to live.” Dr. Holliday expressed that each moment can be a teachable moment for our children so that when children see the lives we lead, they too can be productive members of society. Inspired by Mother Moon’s memoir, she quoted, “Each person’s happiness depends on his or her ability to achieve peace in their marriage and their families. When true parents, true spouses and children form a peaceful family, happiness flows naturally. Harmony is created when parents, children and grandchildren unite in heart. No matter what difficulties come, the parents’ heart of love for their grandchildren should never change.”

The second speaker, Ms. Nabiha Mahmood, Principal of the Indianapolis Muslim Community Association, began by explaining that parenthood in Islam is both a privilege and a profound responsibility, a sacred task bestowed upon us. Parenthood is a journey that demands us to have love, patience, and unwavering faith. She emphasized that a key role for parents is to instill spirituality in their children, teaching them reverence and devotion for the creator. Ms. Nabiha stressed the importance of setting an example of good character for children by modeling integrity, compassion, and love, and by encouraging them to seek both spiritual and external education while loving them unconditionally. As a mother of two, parenthood has profoundly uplifted her spirituality. 

She reminisced about the first time she held her daughter as a newborn, feeling awe, gratitude, and the weight of the divine task bestowed upon her—a soul with a divine purpose. This moment, she said, deepened her compassion for others and fostered a new depth of kindness. In her role as a researcher in human behavior, she has come to understand that much of the suffering in the world stems from a lack of love and trust, which are first learned from parents. “ Our children need to know that even when they mess up, they can always turn to us and be met with unconditional love.” As a volunteer at the Indiana Women’s Prison, Ms. Nabiha observed that the women she encountered had all suffered from childhood trauma. This realization has deepened her commitment to extend a parental heart to everyone she meets, believing that through love and compassion, they too can heal and feel valued. She credits her experiences as a parent for inspiring her desire to make a difference and transform lives.

Mrs. Jane Berg, a certified life coach and owner of Abba Corp, underscored the significance of openness and commitment in caregiving. With her unique perspective as both a biological and foster parent, she stressed that extending love and care to others requires dedication. Loving others is challenging, but we are always a parent to people of various ages and can be present for them, she noted.  She shared a meaningful exchange with her daughter, who valued her mother’s guidance and support. Mrs. Berg also expressed her belief that exceptional parenting aligns with a higher purpose, saying, “I am grateful for the opportunity to connect with and support individuals of all ages, as this reflects our Heavenly Parent’s wishes.”

The speakers then shared these words of wisdom: 

  1. Treat your children how you would want God to treat you in that moment and let them feel that they are loved no matter what. 

  2. Seasoned parents can offer their help to younger parents so that they too can care for themselves.

  3. Younger parents, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

The forum served as a beautiful reminder that wherever we are, we can serve as models and ‘parents’ not only to our own children but to everyone we meet and a reminder to always extend grace, compassion and love to others. 


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