Tea with the President/ Spotlight GWPN

On July 24, WFWP USA and WFWP Arizona co-hosted a virtual "Tea with the President" event. Initiated by an idea from Mrs. Glenda Lambert, GWPN Coordinator for Arizona, the purpose of this call was to hear from the President of WFWP USA, Mrs. Kaeleigh Moffitt, about the vision and direction of the Founders of WFWP, about GWPN, and about upcoming GWPN projects in which women leaders could get involved.

Mrs. Glenda Lambert opened the meeting with a story of a recent experience she had with a friend who had been deeply impacted by the memoir of WFWP’s co-founder, Mother Moon. After this warm opening message, Mrs. Lambert welcomed President Kaeleigh Moffitt to share more about WFWP, the work of its co-founder, and her global impact. President Moffitt began by introducing WFWP and its vision of shaping a world of peace and harmony for people of all races, cultures, and creeds. She highlighted the organization's core beliefs: the essence of our Creator as a Heavenly Parent, the complementary partnership of men and women, and the essential role of women's touch in peacebuilding. Quoting Mother Moon, President Moffitt emphasized the mission of WFWP to awaken women to their true value and support them in partnership with men. The mission is pursued through three main areas of focus: creating communities for women through the HerTribe project, building a network of women leaders via the Global Women’s Peace Network and the HerStory Award, and healing divides through initiatives like the Bridge of Peace and Schools of Africa.

President Moffitt shared that Mother Moon's heart and motivation drive WFWP's global peace movement, highlighting her tireless efforts to promote unity and peace across all divides. Being part of WFWP means joining this worldwide movement of hundreds of organizations working toward global peace and addressing societal needs. She invited the women leaders to join this vision of peace and stand with Mother Moon to make substantial changes in the world.

President Moffitt then shared three upcoming opportunities for involvement:

  1. Awaken Retreat, October 10-13: This transformative program aims to awaken women to their true value and foster a community of empowered individuals through interactive workshops, keynote speeches, and introspective activities. For more information and to register, click here.

  2. Wholehearted: A 7-week course designed for women to unveil the essence of womanhood, based on Mother Moon's memoir, "Mother of Peace." This course blends readings, discussions, and activities to help women embrace their authentic selves. For more information, click here.

  3. Korea Pilgrimage, April 11-14, 2025: Mother Moon hosts an annual peace conference in South Korea, inviting global leaders to participate. WFWP plans to bring a delegation of women leaders to join the 2025 conference, offering a unique opportunity to experience the global peace movement and meet leaders from various sectors. More information will be provided at the next Tea with the President gathering on Thursday, August 29.

For the remainder of the time, women leaders on the call were invited to introduce themselves, ask questions, and share their reflections on the presentations.


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