Women Standing Hand-in-Hand at 12 Bridge of Peace Ceremonies

Written by: Kaeleigh Moffitt, President of WFWP USA

“If women all around the world take one another’s hands as sisters, their men would cease to fight and kill one another...parents would no longer mourn the loss of their sons and daughters.” — Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, WFWP Founder

What if the solution to world peace began with us—women, standing hand-in-hand, lifting each other up across our differences? Imagine the ripple effect we could create, building bridges of peace not only in our homes but in communities worldwide. This vision isn’t just a dream; it’s a call to action. ✨

On September 21, the world marks the International Day of Peace, and this year, WFWP USA embraced it with a powerful message—one of reconciliation and unity. Across the nation, over 12 Bridge of Peace ceremonies were held, bringing women together to foster understanding, heal divisions, and create lasting peace. These programs highlight the essential role of reconciliation in conflict resolution, reminding us that true peace begins within and extends outward to the world.

What is the Bridge of Peace?

WFWP’s signature project, the Bridge of Peace, was born out of a vision of reconciliation. It offers a profound opportunity for individuals of differing or even conflicting backgrounds to meet each other with forgiveness for the past and hope for the future. Whether healing the rift between once-warring nations or addressing racial divides and community tensions, this project has brought women together to heal, forgive, and move forward.

In 1995 and 1996, during the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II, over 20,000 Japanese women traveled to the United States to cross a symbolic bridge with American sisters, closing the painful chapter between former enemies. What happened next was transformative: tears flowed, followed by smiles and laughter as women from opposite sides made a heartfelt commitment to forgive and move forward. This symbolic crossing has since expanded to countries and communities worldwide, from uniting Catholics and Protestants in Ireland to Israelis and Arabs in Jerusalem, and here in the U.S., bridging racial divides and uniting women and girls in a vibrant bouquet of sisterhood.

A Symbol of Transformation

The power of the Bridge of Peace lies not just in the ceremony itself, but in the deep personal transformation that happens within the heart of each participant. Two individuals stand on opposite sides, bowing in both repentance for the pain caused—whether by them or their ancestors—and in forgiveness to the other. As they cross the bridge to meet in the middle, they leave behind fear, prejudice, resentment, and pain. What remains is a renewed commitment to peace and understanding. The Bridge is more than a symbolic crossing; it is a reflection of our willingness to embrace someone different and heal the divisions within our own hearts.

Women as the Heart of Peacebuilding

As mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends, we hold the unique power to foster compassion, empathy, and unity in our world. It is often women who nurture the next generation, modeling the values of peace, understanding, and reconciliation. When we lift each other up—whether in our families, workplaces, or communities—we create a ripple effect of positive change that can be felt far beyond what we see.

As women of WFWP, let us commit to making peace not just a goal but a way of life. From the way we treat one another to how we raise our children, we have the ability to plant the seeds of peace every day. Together, let’s build bridges, mend divides, and create a world where peace starts from the inside and radiates out.


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