Spring Cleaning with Marie Kondo: Declutter and Refresh Your Home

As the seasons change and the days grow longer, spring presents the perfect opportunity to refresh not just your home, but your mind as well. Marie Kondo, the organizing guru and author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, has revolutionized how we approach tidying and decluttering. Her KonMari method is built on the idea of surrounding yourself with things that "spark joy"—and saying goodbye to the items that no longer serve you.

Spring cleaning, in the spirit of Marie Kondo, is more than just a physical act of cleaning; it's a transformative process of letting go of what doesn’t align with the life you want to create. By using her approach, you can cultivate a space that feels lighter, brighter, and more aligned with your personal peace and joy.

Marie Kondo encourages us to approach our spaces with intention and mindfulness. She often says, "The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment." So, as you dive into your spring cleaning, remember that it’s not just about getting rid of clutter—it’s about welcoming in the energy of peace and joy.

Marie Kondo’s Tips for Spring Cleaning:

  1. Tidy by Category, Not Location – Rather than starting in one room and working your way through, Kondo suggests tidying by category (clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items). This method allows you to see how much you truly have, and gives you a better sense of what sparks joy and what doesn’t.

  2. Visualize the End Goal – Before you start decluttering, take a moment to visualize the kind of space you want to create. This will help keep you focused on your goal and make it easier to let go of items that don't contribute to your vision.

  3. Commit to the Process – The KonMari method emphasizes completing the tidying process all at once, not piecemeal. By committing to a focused, purposeful effort, you'll see results more quickly and maintain the motivation to finish.

  4. Respect Your Items – In Kondo's words, "Treat your possessions with respect and gratitude." As you clean and tidy, acknowledge the purpose each item has served in your life before letting it go. This gratitude will help you part with things that no longer serve you without guilt.

  5. Keep Only What Sparks Joy – As you sort through your belongings, hold each item and ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?” If it does, keep it. If it doesn’t, thank it for its service and let it go. This simple but powerful step will guide you toward creating a home that brings you peace and happiness.

Now, it’s time to tackle the details.

Marie Kondo encourages us to tidy intentionally, but spring cleaning also requires some specific tasks to get every nook and cranny shining. Sign up down below for a detailed checklist of areas to clean and tasks to complete in each room.