The Chicago Chapter of Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) is very happy to announce the success of events held February 11 & 12, 2012, in Chicago honoring Valentine's Day. Our goal was to provide residents living in two nursing homes with handmade or purchased Valentine's Day cards, stuff toys, fruit baskets, toiletries and other "Love" items. On Saturday, WFWP members and friends entertained the elderly by playing games and singing with those housed at Windsor Park on the south side. Fruit bags and toy prizes were given to residents celebrating birthdays in February, and those brave enough to sing or read their cards. A variety of donated knit scarves and wraps were placed around those being rewarded for having the most children and/or grand-children. Also, an award was given to Ms. Teresa Harris, a strong supporter of WFWP for her generous gifts and donations over the years.

Up north at the Clark Manor facility, we were welcomed again by more residents also eager to play games, and speak of a loved one they missed. WFWP Chair lady Patricia Fliginger and WFWP members served fresh cut fruit and juice. Fannie Smith "worked the room" by inviting residents to dance as she sang "Let's Do the Twist". Much fun was had by all. Young members of True Family Church Glen and Ami sang and played guitar. Collectively we were honored to show some love and embrace over 125 residence and staff in their activity and dining rooms. We presented a very joyful atmosphere by decorating tables with hearts and balloons; beautiful cards made by family and church members were so appreciated.

As we researched to fulfill one of our outreach obligations for 2012, we found that the number of sick, in nursing homes and convalescing is increasing. As WFWP members and daughters of Mother Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Founder of WFWP, we felt a strong need to step up and help family members "Show Some Love".

Committee: Fannie Smith, Patricia Fliginger, Noriko Ogden, Agnes Rendel, Sarah Rendel Margaret Figueroa, Glen and Ami Davidson, Elizabeth Kuroha, Linda Najai, and Kumoko Sutker.


