In honor of the 25th Anniversary of WFWP, the Atlanta community had a two-day weekend event with a WFWP program on Saturday, August 19th, and a sermon and a gathering with women from the community after service on Sunday, August 20th. On the evening of Friday, August 18th, we were happy to welcome WFWP President Angelika Selle and WFWP Vice President Katarina Connery who arrived in preparation of the weekend celebrations. Together with Co-Chairwoman of Atlanta, Ekaette Heyliger, the four of us kicked off a new era for WFWP in Atlanta, GA by sharing a grape juice toast, and the whole weekend unfolded as a new foundation. We all felt a lot of hope to be launched on a new course of leadership of the heart centering on WFWP founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.

On Saturday morning, VIce-President Katarina and President Angelika led a World Cafe Meeting with three young women leaders, at which they had a deep and passionate discussion on issues such as how to solve poverty, eliminate barriers between people, and save the environment. All three young ladies were extremely inspired and signed up for the upcoming leadership retreat seminar at IPEC in Las Vegas in October.

Around 100 participants joined the main event entitled: “Igniting a Culture of Heart” where the two presidents re-introduced WFWP USA with its updated vision, projects and the many new developments since its beginning. Many of the former chairwomen of the GA chapter who were also in attendance were quite inspired and impressed to see how far WFWP has come. They happily accepted a certificate of recognition at the end of that session, as they were warmly celebrated by the audience. During the second part of the gathering, Mrs. Selle and Mrs. Connery shared a taste of an upcoming seminar and curriculum, called Leadership of the Heart, which WFWP USA has been preparing, with interactive exercises to promote personal growth and overcome barriers for peace leadership.

Several participants said they had never heard such content before and wanted to be a part of this Federation. That included Senator Donzella James, who truly loves the vision and work of WFWP in America and worldwide based on the mother's heart. Also in attendance was Neil Shuman, the founder of the "Shift Network,” a huge humanitarian network, who asked us if we can bring the quality of our leadership to their organization.

On Sunday, President Selle and Vice-President Connery shared a stirring and inspiring sermon at the Atlanta Family Church entitled "Peace Starts With Me - What's Next?" as a follow up to the recent powerful Madison Square Garden festival on July 15.

To make peace a reality starting with “Me,” they highlighted and elaborated on 3 points:
1) Purity- the need to become a pure vessel in order to call upon and to receive the Holy Spirit, to let go of old habits and thought patterns that block us, and let God work; creating a new mindset (new wineskins) for God’s energy and love to dwell within.
2) ) Ownership- the need to honor and build upon the foundation of those who have come before us, by uniting with and owning the vision of the Founders and making substantial change from the inside out.
3) Unity- as the way to put our faith in God into action. It is important to achieve unity without changing one’s original essence, through coming together in harmony like the threads of a tapestry. Unity doesn’t mean sameness: we can harmonize without changing who we are. In a tapestry, there are many separate and different colored threads, and it is only when one steps back can one see the whole design.

Perhaps the most substantial success and experience of the Holy Spirit occurred during the gathering of women leaders following the service over lunch, where all shared together openly and honestly. Many tears were shed, and moved from their heart, several ladies asked for forgiveness from others. It was quite an unprecedented and unexpected meeting, which cleared up resentments, eliminated barriers among the women, and allowed all to make a fresh start in real unity.

There was no question in anyone’s mind that this weekend reenergized our Atlanta WFWP chapter and created the base for new beginnings on many levels.

Here is to the next 25 years of WFWP in Georgia!

Comments from Participants

“It was absolutely enlightening and wonderful to see women of all ethnicities and faith denominations come together for one mission to find what we have in common versus our differences. Outstanding event!”

“It was awesome. I was struck by the spirit and energy in the room. I felt that we were all connected in heart.”

The participants had a beautiful experience, and you can read praise of the event and of WFWP in the article below (in this newsletter) by Mrs. Naomi Barbara King.


