WFWP USA Chairwomen at 2016 Retreat in Tampa, FL
There are many unassuming, unsung women in the world who quietly go about their days living according to their consciences and doing everything in their power to make the world a better place not only for themselves and their families, but for everyone else as well. They are women of substance. They are women who lead with the heart of a mother caring for her children. They know their own minds because they know God; and they know that there has to be a better way for everyone to live without all this fighting among nations, bickering among individuals, and feuding among families and tribes.
When these women encounter WFWP, they see a chance to make an even bigger difference in their own lives and the lives of others. Some of the women who join WFWP have such a strong internal motivation to be a positive change in the world that they volunteer to become a chairwoman of a chapter of WFWP.
WFWP USA would like to introduce these women to you through the newsletter and ultimately the website where all these articles remain. Each month in 2017, the Logic of Love News will introduce you to one of these amazing quiet women who have that determination and have made that commitment to spearheading a chapter using their own unique gifts and experiences. It is that quiet motivation that has been the foundation of their chapter activities. It strengthens them and those in their chapters to strive to make their surroundings and the world a better place for everyone, not just themselves.
This month, January, Mrs. Denneze Nelson, Chairwoman in the state of New Jersey is being featured. Look forward to hearing about chairwomen in states all over the US each month this year. Get to know the core of your chairwoman. If you want to write about your chairwoman or if you want me to interview your chairwoman, please contact and let me know. As we get to know each other better, we can be more united in our efforts to be the change in the US.