Sun Jin Moon Speaking
Hundreds of thousands of men and women gathered around the globe to celebrate WFWP Founders' birthday on February 13, aired from the Chung Shim Peace Center outside of Seoul, Korea. Their birthdays are on the same calendar day, although they are 23 years apart in age.
WFWP USA was represented by a small delegation among others from around the world, making up more than 150 current Parliamentarians and international guests.
All of us were touched mainly by the welcoming remarks of one of their daughters, Mrs. Sun Jin Moon, who is the International President of the Universal Peace Federation. Here are a few excerpts from her speech which very much reflect our own sentiments toward the founders:
“It is my special privilege and honor to share a few words with you today on this very, very special occasion. Today, in the presence of Mother Moon, we honor and celebrate the birthdays of both my father and my mother. Father Moon would be 96 years old today, and Mother Moon is a very young 73 years old. On this glorious day, we celebrate their amazing life, legacy, and true lineage: the starting point of true peace.”
“During the nearly 80 years of his public ministry, Rev. Moon gathered and witnessed to millions of people from around the globe uplifting and inspiring them to an awareness of a higher purpose and conscientious of the universe, and an understanding of the true heart and nature of our Heavenly Parent.”
“We need to go back to the pure hearts that we had as children, to shed our desire to possess ever increasing amounts of material wealth, and restore our beautiful essence back to original human beings.”
“I remember when he said: ‘My wife’s dream is to see all women raised as true daughters with filial hearts who could create peace at home, in our communities, in our nations, and in our world. The women’s movement being carried out by my wife serves a goal of true families which are the root of peace in all areas of life. Throughout history, women have been persecuted, but I predict this will change. The coming world will be one of reconciliation and peace based on women’s maternal character, love, and sociability. The time is coming when the power of women will save the world.’”
Mother Moon toasting on her and her late husband's birthday
“On this day we sincerely offer them both our eternal gratitude and love for carrying us all and teaching us what it means to have true love and world peace.”
“In these few passages, you can experience only the tip of the iceberg of WFWP’s Founders long history of living for the sake of others. My hope and my prayer is that we can take their love and their wisdom and pay it forward to future generations, and to all people of the world who have yet to experience the parental love of being carried safely home, securely and peacefully with true love.”
Happy Birthday, Father and Mother Moon!