End of the year group photo
On December 14, 2013, the Minnesota chapter of WFWP got together for an end-of-the-year celebration. We wanted to recall our activities of 2013 and prepare for 2014, so I presented a PowerPoint of our chapter's activities and programs throughout 2013.
All members and participants watched pictures of themselves during the presentation and reminisced about our activities and their participation in them. We also took the time to reflect and discuss plans for 2014. It was a very productive time to come together and work as a whole group.
At the end of the evening we were entertained by a professional Haitian dancer accompanied by lively traditional drumming. After that, the participants had a wonderful chance to learn the special body moves called "undulating." This connects well with the island mood of fun and relaxation
End of the year group photo
Join together in oneness
Traditional Haitian dancer