A green and yellow emblem set against a white background waved proudly in the sky among a sea of red, white and blue on July Fourth this year. Claire Haider, WFWP Chairwoman of Paterson, New Jersey, looked up with joy in her heart as she walked by. Through her determined efforts, the WFWP flag was raised on a tall flagpole outside the Clifton City Hall for seven days.
The city of Clifton has a long-standing tradition of displaying flags outside its city hall, in particular the large collection of US flags honoring veterans that is exhibited five times a year on the well-known Avenue of Flags (read more about them here). While the vast majority are US flags, every now and then there is a special flag-raising ceremony for a particular nation or group. After seeing the flag of another organization being displayed recently, Claire decided to go to the city hall herself and inquire how WFWP could also apply to have their flag raised.
She was told that all she had to do was submit a letter of request, so she promptly asked the WFWP USA national office for support, who provided an eloquent letter introducing the organization and its chapters nationwide. According to Claire, the city hall was so impressed with the letter and our general consultative status with the UN that it took them no more than ten minutes to respond and agree to honor our flag! Our great track record “can open up so many doors,” emphasized Claire.
The date was set for June 29th, and about 90 people attended the flag-raising ceremony that officially started at 11am. Among the notable guests were the mayor of Clifton, James Anzaldi, and local Councilwoman Lauren E Murphy, who decided to attend after passing by and seeing the WFWP banner displayed on the street side. Alan Tamelessio, a representative from our partner organization Universal Peace Federation NJ, was also in attendance.
Ms. Nora Waldmann set the tone as she movingly sang the national anthem, facing the US flag in front of the city hall. After a welcome by emcee Meadow Talakson, Pastor Manoj Jacob of the Family Federation for World Peace NJ offered an opening prayer. Claire invited a couple of guest speakers from Paterson to say a few words: Dr. Judy Foster from the Christian Fellowship Church and Lorenzo Carpenter, from a grandparents care organization.
WFWP USA Vice President Juanita Pierre Louis representing the national office gave a powerful introduction to WFWP, our vision and mission. She spoke with great enthusiasm, and emphasized the important role of women and their value before God.
Clifton with Claire on the right
In his address, Mayor Anzaldi spoke about the wonderful diversity represented in Clifton and how he wants to proudly display it. He shared that even though he gets pushback for it, he believes the diverse display of organizations at city hall respects our nation’s freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
To conclude the ceremony, two dance groups offered beautiful performances, first a group of Japanese ladies and then a group of Filipinos. Photos were taken, and all WFWP members and friends gathered felt very proud to see the organization receiving such public recognition after so many years of investing in outreach, networking and empowering women leaders in their communities.
To our great surprise the mayor permitted the flag to remain for a total of seven days, whereas generally the flag is taken down after a few hours or a day. Claire together with her husband walked by the flag every single day and felt grateful to God for having chosen this special time. On July 4th, the WFWP flag was the only flag among more than 2,500 flags at Clifton City Hall not representing any state or government. Claire later shared in awe, “It was an incredible sight. I lost my breath [seeing the flag].”
Inspired by this success, Claire is moved to ask coffee shops and other public areas to show the WFWP flag, and encourages other WFWP chapters to try the same. It is time to let the WFWP flag and all that it stands for wave proudly all across the United States!
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Clifton June 29 WFWP members