GWPN Participants
The Global Women's Peace Network was launched by the New Jersey Chapter of WFWP on September 14, 2013. The event was planned for 50 women but 55 women attended with 2 men present. A delicious breakfast was served, and the location was beautiful. Owing to technical difficulties, the Her Story lecture could not be presented much to the chagrin of all assembled. However, we were able to show a video to introduce WFWP.
Regional Chairwoman, Denneze Nelson, the keynote speaker, gave a informative presentation on the meaning of the GWPN, and why it is imperative to work together. Ms. Nelson gave a personal testimony of the motivation for Rev. and Mrs. Moon's peace endeavors even establishing organizations on the level of the UN. She then issued a call to action for women's organizations to join forces with WFWP in a movement to usher in a new era of peace and end global conflict through building ideal families. She stressed that women alone cannot bring peace and that men are an integral part of this process concluding that men and women need to exist in God-centered harmony for true and lasting peace to be established.
In response to Ms. Nelson's speech, Mr. Stephen Sprague gave a detailed exposition on the dual characteristics of masculinity and femininity.
Ms. Carol Pobanz, who has worked tirelessly in Honduras, gave a report about GWPN in Honduras. She issued an invitation to the women of New Jersey to come and help them uplift women in their country. Using a slide show, she submitted a proposal for a joint service project with WFWP. The participants were very excited about this opportunity. Ms. Pobanz explained service from the point of view of a developing country. She helped the participants understand the mindset of going to learn something rather than teach something; going to give something and empower rather than to take something.
A response to Ms. Pobanz came from the riveting sharing of three organizational representatives: One from Councilwoman Ruby Cotton representing government; another from Mrs. Jean Brown representing spiritual not-for-profits; and finally from Mrs. Hiroko Nitro, former WFWP emissary to Guinea, Africa. These testimonies about the heart of service that springs from love, moved everyone to tears.
Councilwoman Cotton and Mrs. Nelson
Councilwoman Cotton said afterwards, "Women's Federation has never wavered in its message for Peace and this consistency is very important to women everywhere. I have been working with WFWP for years and the women always make you feel a part of them. We need to have this kind of embrace so that we can encourage our young women to be great leaders."
Ms. Katanaka explained, "I had stopped working for WFWP, but now I am so inspired and ready to work again. This is so important."
Ms. Bivens, a schoolteacher who attended, was moved. She explained how she had been in a state of depression over the recent loss of her son, but coming to this event had given her new purpose. She was amazed at the work of Rev. and Mrs. Moon and felt inspired to talk to others about this.
WFWP New Jersey is in the process of establishing a steering committee for the Honduras cooperation project. Several follow-up meetings with women who attended and other women are being planned to encourage participation in this project. A fundraiser for Honduras is being planned for November. In addition, an educational seminar will prepare the participants before going to Honduras. We also hope to use this project as an outreach to younger women to get involved in WFWP.