There are many ways to bring peace and understanding into this world. Doing this helps to create an alternative to violence and aggressive behavior in our society. One of the best ways of giving a creative outlet for our emotions is through dance.
One of the highlights of the “Non-Violence is a Choice” Conference in Oregon was uniting together in the Dances of Universal Peace. Michelle Sparks-Smith and Michael Sheehan, certified leaders of the Dances of Universal Peace, have led the dances at each of the four annual nonviolence conferences and did so again this year.
It is a beautiful way for all the participants to experience inner peace, as well as gain knowledge about other faiths and world traditions through the peace chants, sacred mantras, and dances that they perform together. Beginning in the late 1960’s, the Dances of Universal Peace have spread to hundreds of dance circles in more than sixty countries. As Michael says, “Like a thirsty wanderer stopping for water, we hope to open and attune ourselves to the source of universal peace, love, healing, and wisdom.”
Michael Sheehan and Michelle Sparks-Smith lead two weekly and one monthly dance circles in the Portland area. More information is available on their website: www.movingmeditations-dup.com. Dances of Universal Peace hold dances in other states as well. Why don’t you look for one in your area and experience the beauty for yourself!