Welcoming guests at the Registration Table
On Sunday December 8, 2013 the Westchester WFWP Chapter held its 10th Annual Benefit for the Schools of Africa Project, with our signature Silent Auction at the Royal Palace (Indian Cuisine) in White Plains, New York. This year the silent auction was better than ever with wonderful donations from Mrs. Kobayashi, Mrs. Kanae Holt, and Mrs. Yutaka Sato. In addition there were donations from organizations including the New Yorker Hotel and the Manhattan Center, just to name a few. Many Charmaine Singer vendors generously donated their fabulous hand-made jewelry and accessories.
Our very competent Mistress of Ceremonies, Mrs. Susan Bouachri, seamlessly guided the event so everything flowed, although we did miss our usual lively MC, Ms. Kristi Mas, who was very busy this year. Her sister, Ms. Kascia Graham, sang for us beautifully despite an oncoming cold. Everyone enjoyed her lovely clear voice accompanied by Dr. Rumiko Isakson, a professional pianist. The combination was a real treat for everyone!
Mrs. Angela Shimazaki at Silent Auction
Mrs. Alexa Ward gave an introduction to the work WFWP is doing, and Mrs. Lara Sawamukai gave a moving presentation of our Schools of Africa with photos and a PowerPoint presentation. Many people were moved by their talks and were inspired to donate even more than they had planned.
We had a very distinguished keynote speaker, Madame Dr. Amalle Keita Daou, wife of the UN Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Mali and former president of UNICEF. Her cousin is the current president of Mali. Dr. Daou said she was "impressed with WFWP and enjoyed every second of the event". She has been connected with the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) but this was her first experience with WFWP.
Also at the head table were Mrs. Alexa Ward, Mrs. Motoko Sugiyama, Mrs. Genie Kagawa, Mrs. Lynn Walsh, and two more guests Rev. Wesley Shand, a United Methodist Minister who pastored the Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Dobbs Ferry; and Ms. Mame Kani Diop from Senegal, a doctoral student studying at Montclair State College, who is also working to support women in Africa.
Actually many WFWP members brought guests who all seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves during the benefit and especially during the silent auction. It really was the thirteen guests that donated most of the money raised to support the Schools of Africa Project.