The Ohio Chapter of WFWP conducted a survey of young women in our local church and also of WFWP members. The main goal was to see how participants view WFWP and its role, what projects they would like to participate in, and what support they expect from the Ohio Chapter. The survey was available on-line as well as in printed form. Board member, Mrs. Yoshie Moore, translated the survey into Japanese because some of our chapter members here have limited English proficiency. Mrs. Marcia Schlichting, WFWP secretary, suggested having a survey table after her local church service and created a poster to use entitled:" What would you like to do to help and what would you like to contribute?"
What would you like to receive and what would you like to contribute?
The survey table and poster attracted people's attention and made it more visible for people.
Fourteen women participated in the survey. The majority of the participants were 43+ years old, and 36% were women younger than 35. Seventy percent of the participants were paying members, while the rest had either attended some events, or had heard about WFWP, but have not become actively involved.
Of the participants surveyed, 90% see WFWP as a project based group that provides women with opportunities to attend talks, programs, or conferences which are focused on reconciliation and other peace-building activities. A total of 70% of the respondents believe that WFWP is a vital organization representing women all over the world. Our respondents' favorite answer about the activity they would like to be involved in was the Relationship Intelligence program (50%). Most of the ladies would like to receive support from WFWP in the form of Marriage and Family Relationship Workshops or Counseling (57% including young women).
Another question was "In what way would you like to support WFWP Ohio?" 29% would like to invest their time (mostly young women), and 43% would prefer to contribute money or things (donations).
Overall the survey provided an opportunity to have a valuable exchange with our members and with younger women and to have some feedback from them. Also it gave us information on whom to invite to specific events and how WFWP is perceived by those in our community.
Special thanks to Mrs. Paula Townsend, Mrs. Yoshie Moore, Mrs. Marcia Schlichting and Mrs. Nataliya Grishina for their help.