
Important editorial correction re the "Apology of Men to Women"!

We apologize for an accidental misrepresentation of where the Apology originated from. It was NOT composed or written by a group of husbands and men in Maryland as mentioned in my article, but rather was written by the Delaware Group of men on June 7, 2015. My husband had texted the Apology to me, and I mistakenly thought it was written at a meeting he attended on February 24, 2018.
Please take note of this!

Dear friends,

Greetings of love, and Happy International Women's Day and Month 2018!

While attending the various festivities and conference in Korea during our Founder's birthday events last month, I received a most moving note from my husband. He said he had attended a meeting in Maryland, together with several other men, husbands, and brothers, with also some women present, in which some of the men in this group decided to take responsibility for the historical wrongdoings against women. They expressed this in a declaration, which was shared with the women in the room. I was moved myself, and thought to share it with you, especially in honor of International Women's Day 2018:

I, on behalf of the collective masculine, offer my sincere and deepest apology from my heart, for my abuses and excesses of power and authority and for keeping you, the feminine expression of God, from your true and deserved relationship with Heavenly Mother.

I apologize--

  • For creating languages and cultures that disable women.

  • For creating languages and cultures that muzzle the voice of ​divine wisdom through women.

  • For using my male muscle to enslave, control, and abuse women who are daughters of God, created in His/Her image.

  • For writing scripture that has justified man’s control and has confused and misled women.

  • For devaluing women by insisting that a man's core is more important and more special than a woman's core.

  • For creating a culture in which women have to imitate men and deny their innate femininity in order to survive and succeed.

  • For blaming Eve for the Fall and then using that to justify mistreatment and dominance of women.

To that end, I will give comfort and support to women in their healing.

Feel free to pass it on to other women, mothers, and daughters.

There is more hope today for women to be respected and heard than at any other time in history, as men are coming more and more to recognize women's value and position as equals. (Please read my International Women's Day note below that was sent to our subscribers.)

With this note in mind, we can feel a small sense of healing and hope, and look forward to a more "balanced" world in the near future.

In the meantime, please enjoy this month, celebrate YOU, and also celebrate with other women and mothers. Let us also remember those who have come before us, and on whose shoulders we stand!

Be confident and let your light shine even brighter! It is needed in this dark world!

Angelika Selle

March 8 Message on International Women’s Day 2018

What a wonderful thing it is to be a woman! Or is it?

As many women and girls have been asking themselves, that question in light of the “fate” of women in history, the suffering, lack of support, and lack of having a voice, there is more hope at this time than you might think. Why?

May I invite you to take a moment to listen to this encouraging message from a well-known leadership coach here in America, John Maxwell:

It is when our men, husbands, and sons acknowledge who we are, that we really have hope. The next step would be for women AND men to discuss together how to put an end to sex trafficking, divorce, domestic violence, and other social ills.

Based on the trend we see, and as expressed by Mr. Maxwell, we predict that women’s fate today is indeed in the process of changing toward that of hope, having a voice, and being heard.

Women’s, and especially mother’s, inner wisdom, creativity, and insight will be called upon more and more to bring solutions to today’s problems and help usher in an era of lasting peace.

In the meantime, let us acknowledge, love, and celebrate ourselves on this day and this month in a special way, and thank our Creator who has created us in His or Her image, as precious daughters with equal value given to us from birth.

Therefore, yes, it is great to be a woman, to know it and show it!


