During the time of the birthday celebrations of our Co-Founders and multiple celebratory events in Korea last​ month, Women's Federation for World Peace International (WFWPI) also held various meetings with our international President, Professor Yeon Ah Moon. International WFWP leaders representing Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and North America (myself) shared our goals for 2018-2020, ​in the beautiful setting of snow-covered mountains at the Cheongpyeong​ Resort, ​located north of Seoul.

​I especially enjoyed our deeper discussions and sharing with Professor Moon who, as always, conveyed to us the deeper heart​ and vision​ of our Founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon​. This time she reminded us of what WFWP's and women's internal focus should be as the world is going through major global changes, challenges, ​and times of great uncertainty.

​Here are some of the points she made, paraphrased as all was being translated from Korean into English:

  • This is the time to draw closer to God, our Creator, especially as women and mothers, and seek His/Her advice in all we do.

  • ​Human wisdom is not sufficient to resolve our current issues; ​we can solve our current problems only with divine wisdom and guidance.

  • Filled with the love of the Creator, we then need to​ share that love and substantially​ create an environment of ​peace,​ compassion, understanding, and embrace in​ the midst of pain, suffering, chaos, and pain​, and "Become Shining Rays of Hope Around the World."

  • ​Dominion of self is crucial​ in order to keep one's ​promises you make to God and yourself. (Mother Moon herself is surely ​a perfect example of that!)

  • Raise and invest into our next generation NOW, especially​ the​ virtues of character​, humility, ​and a life-style of thinking of and caring for others.

  • Most importantly​, we as women and mothers ​need to collaborate ​to​ to raise the "World Village" and to give birth to a ​better ​world​, one ​of goodness​ and kindness.​

​Whenever we meet with Professor Moon, we feel very free to be ourselves and share from the heart, and therefore always come up with good ideas and solutions to any given problem. We love her personality which always emanates love, honesty, care for others, and great humility,​ which ​is very magnetic and attractive​ wherever she goes. ​

Her style of leadership is truly refreshing and puts everyone at ease.​ Professor Moon knows how to create a team and family spirit, ​even when with women leaders and leaders in high positions. ​That is what we feel is one of our main internal objectives this year and beyond, to be also able to create family spirit among people as we all are interconnected and affect each others’ lives.

One can predict that when we succeed in it, that spirit will be conducive for people "to beat their swords into ploughshares​, and their spears into pruning hooks."

​Let us remember: "Because I am - because we are".​


