
Dear friends,

Happy International Women's Day (March 8) and Women's History Month (celebrated in March in the US)!

It is truly an honor and a privilege to be a woman! At least I think so! Why?

When I was 18, I was thinking deeply about the fact that I was a woman. Yes, I saw how women have been suffering throughout human history, how they were used and abused, seen as lesser in value, taken for granted, etc., etc. Still, I also saw the amazing inner strength, the deep wisdom and love of women -- especially of mothers -- that they were able to draw upon in the midst of pain, challenges, and trials. Even though women have truly been the most suffering and mistreated portion of humanity, even to this day in many parts of the world, our God-given value has not changed.

But why did I come to the conclusion that it is even an honor and a privilege to be a woman? In my book, it is because we are given the great privilege to give birth to another human being -- another eternal human soul. In this regard, we are chosen to be virtual co-creators with our divine, eternal Creator. Additionally, from what I had read in the Scriptures, God, our Creator, formed not just men but us women in His image -- "male AND female created He them." I took that very seriously and literally. Might the Scripture, I thought, therefore not also say: "... in His/Her image created He them"? I personally and surely felt that my true value comes from none other than God. Therefore, I deeply sensed that it was an honor to be created in the image of the Divine Feminine aspect of the Almighty!

Sadly, due to so many unfortunate events and circumstances, not many women come to see themselves in that way, and therefore also cannot act out of that consciousness. (And, of course, that is also true for men.)

I hope that, during this month of March, which is dedicated to highlighting women past and present, their contributions to history and their current plights, we women can come to discover or rediscover our true Origin who gives us our eternal, unchanging value, so we may come to see ourselves, each other, and everyone as divine human beings -- and act accordingly.

Equally important, if not more so, is the awakening of our men -- fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons -- to the fact that they, too, are created in the divine image, and that they will come to acknowledge and internalize that. Would that not solve so many age-old problems right there? Food for thought...

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy the following articles and contributions of this month.
Let us celebrate being women, know our true value, and live with dignity and love!




