Dear Friends of WFWP,

As many of us were enjoying the fall season, we were shocked when once again images of horror and devastation filled our TV screens from another calamity befalling the Philippines. Our hearts almost stood still as we watched the unthinkable happen to families, homes, and whole villages due to Super Typhoon Haiyan. With a prayer on our lips we immediately set up a WFWP relief fund, with access to it on our website.

It seems that the global village is experiencing greater and greater extremes, both on the painful side, such as the calamities, domestic violence, and confusion in values that we all know about; and on the other side, an amazing outpouring of support, love, sacrifice, goodwill, and healing. This year's 21st anniversary WFWP USA National Assembly, entitled "Learn to Lead: Raising the Next Generation of Women Leaders," held on the University of Maryland campus just outside Washington, D.C., turned out to be one of the latter experiences.

Not only did each Global Women's Peace Network panelist do an outstanding job of sharing her personal wisdom and insights as a leader, but we felt that real healing took place. This spirit of healing reached a crescendo in the evening during the Bridge of Peace Ceremony; then while to listening to the inspiring story of this year's HerStory Awardee, Dr. Aziz Baccouche, a blind nuclear physicist; and even through the experience of the very colorful entertainment. A big THANK YOU all those who contributed to make this year's anniversary so special, deep, and successful!

Early in October, women leaders and international WFWP officers gathered in London, UK, for our annual international leadership conference. This year's theme, "Finding the Vision and Way Forward, and How to Transform Ourselves, Protect Our Families, and Build a Culture of Peace," challenged all presenters to go to a deeper level of reflection as they shared their reports in the context of WFWP's vision for 2020. One special session was actually held at the House of Commons. During the two days of jam-packed sessions many exciting presentations and insights were shared, indicating that WFWP has entered yet another level of providing real answers to the real issues.

Women and mothers are indeed called to lead with their motherly hearts - now more than ever before - to bring a sense of calmness, consolation, and hope to many challenging situations, and to create the kind of atmosphere conducive to peace and healing.

In all of this let us be grateful every moment to our Creator for what we do have - our bodies, families, friends, jobs, homes, food, and communities. And let us continue to lend a hand, a heart, and a prayer to those who hurt, lack, and need our help.

With this in mind, the WFWP Board, WFWP USA staff and I wish you a very special,

Happy Thanksgiving 2013!

With love,
Angelika Selle


