Educating the next generation: WFWP Northern California Annual Schools of Africa Benefit
More than 50 people gathered at the beautiful LeRoy home in Oakland on November 9th, 2019, for the 17th Annual Benefit for the Schools of Africa put on by the Northern California Chapter of WFWP. The funds raised by these events continue to provide much-needed school supplies, secure scholarships and much more for the ten schools that WFWP supports in eight African countries (to read more and find out how you can help, click here).
The program opened with an introductory video about the international activities of WFWP, followed by some beautiful violin music by Misha-elle Hammer.
Pastor Susan Chigwada
Our main speaker, Pastor Susan Chigwada, grew up in Rhodesia (modern day Zimbabwe). She shared about the difficult state of the education system as she was growing up, as well as describing the present circumstances. Although Zimbabwe has made great strides in its education system since it gained independence in 1980, there are still significant discrepancies between rural and urban areas (see source). We could understand more about the challenges that African children face in trying to get a good education.
Afterwards, using a powerpoint, WFWP Northern California Chairwoman Patricia Fleischman gave an update on the ten schools supported by the Schools of Africa Project. Learning more about the situation of the schools helped everyone feel more directly invested in the project.
Our friend Pope Flyn from Ghana was back again to play African drums and music, which had some people dancing and everyone else tapping along to the rhythm with their hands and feet. The atmosphere was joyful as we shared delicious refreshments and did our raffle drawing. Overall it was a beautiful afternoon.
One person expressed that she was so happy to be more informed about the schools and therefore, to feel more connected to them. Another guest expressed that she really enjoyed getting to know many wonderful women who were present. Most importantly, through participating in this event, they could contribute to the bigger vision and goal of enabling thousands of children in Africa to receive quality education and equip them for a better future.