WFWP's Embrace the World giving campaign: your chance to help us realize one global family!

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Do you believe in the possibility of a peaceful world?
Do you believe that women have a vital role to play for the world family?

You can join in this beautiful season of giving and share the ideals closest to your heart! Your gift means more peace and reconciliation programs, more healthy relationships programs, and more leadership training for women. Let's Embrace the World and share the message of peace with thousands more.


After all, women have the capacity to embrace the entire world, and women hold the key to true, transformative love.

WFWP works for sustainable peace, through our Leadership of the Heart education, through our Cornerstone for Happiness relationship education, and by networking with like-minded organizations to strengthen our impact.

Will you stand with women of peace today and support ongoing efforts to create a more compassionate world? Donate today and share this campaign with family and friends!

"How can there be any jealousy when all of humankind are brothers and sisters under one Parent? This would be the peace that humankind has been longing for since the beginning of time." - WFWP founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon

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WFWP USA 2019 Summary Report


Remembering WFWP USA’s contributions to Beijing 1995